Thanks to the innovative Patterns developed in Sentinet3, it is possible to monitor at the same time hundreds of parameters for more complex servers web with a simple click.
In this article we will show you what you can do on a server web like JBoss.
JBoss is a major JavaEE application server on the market, a popular choice among customers for the distribution of their applications. The monitoring of the performance of applications and their availability is the key to a strategy of effective management.
Sentinet3 provides a concrete support to all of this with “Sentinet3 JBoss application Server Pattern”, a package of specialized checks for JBoss and its server.
IT administrators can use this Pattern to monitor the essential parameters of the server such as the ram, cpu, etc, the starting point for a correct troubleshooting, as well as the specific metrics of the JBoss application server.
“Sentinet3 JBoss application Server Pattern” checks are:
The Server
- Reachability of the machine
- Accessibility port 80 (http request)
- Accessibility port 443 (https request)
- Ram checks percentage mem usage
- Cpu checks cpu usage
- Disk disk usage
JBoss application parameter
- Current_threadcount checks the number of active threads
- Active_thread_group_count checks the number of active groups of threads
- Free_memory checks the current available memory
- List_memory_pools checks the size of all the memory pool
- List_thread_dump checks list of running processes
- List_thread_cpu_utilization checks percentage of the CPU used by each thread
- Garbage_collection_timing
- heapmem_used check percentage of the heap used mem
- nonheap_mem_used checks percentage of the non heap used mem
- availible_connections_in_pool checks the number of active connections
- open_file_desription_time checks the files used