Thanks to the innovative Patterns developed in Sentinet3, it is possible to monitor at the same time hundreds of parameters for more complex servers with a simple click.
In this article we will show you what you can do on WebSphere.
All machines and systems depend on resources that affect their performance. When resources become low, the performance is reduced. Therefore, the way to make sure that your WebSphere environment is at the maximum of its performance is to monitor it continuously and in detail.
Sentinet3 offers a customized package for monitoring WebSphere, the “Sentinet3 WebSphere Pattern”.
With Pattern each WebSphere amministrator will be able to check if the server is up and have information on the load, Pattern will supplì information with reference to the behavior of the different components of the WebSphere server in particolar i twill be able to monitor the performance and health of the J2EE/Java running on it.
Let’s enter into the merits of specific controls. With "Sentinet3 WebSphere Pattern" parameters will be monitored that contain information about global transactions, the servlet running, parameters that contain information about Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), parameters that contain performance information for the JDBC connections (Java databese Connectivity) and the parameters that contain information about the JVM.
The Checks are:
- ActiveCount checks the number of concurrently active global transactions
- CommittedCount checks the total number of global transactions carried out
- RolledBackCount checks the total number of global transactions annulled
- LiveCount checks the number of sessions memorized in che cache
- PoolSize checks the average number of threads
- TimeSinceLastActivated checks the time that has passed between two work sessions
- FreePoolSize checks the number of sessions stored in the cache
- PoolSize checks the size of the connection pool
- PercentUsed checks the percentage of connections currently in use
- WaitTime checks the connection time
- CreateCount checks the total number of connections created
- CloseCount checks the total number of closed connections
- WaitingThreadCount checks the number of threads waiting for a connection
- UseTime checks the use time of a connection
- CpuUsage checks the percentage of CPU used since the last query
- HeapSize checks the amount of memory available for the JVM
- UsedMemory checks the amount of memory used by JVM
- CreateCount checks the number of Entreprise JavaBeans
- RemoveCount checks the number of beans removed
- PassiveCount checks the number of beans removed from the cache
- MethodCallCount checks the total number of method calls
- MethodResponseTime checks the average response time