One of the most known Sentinet3 features isagentless monitoring, in effect this powerful feature thanks to SNMP protocol enables monitoring all commercial devices like routers, switches,printers, ups etc…
Agentless monitoring can be performed thanks to tcp or udp port direct polling too. But with Sentinet3 you can go further thanks to a powerful WMI engine all Windows Servers can be monitored agentless and data can be collected like:
La prestigiosa rivista “Safety & Security“, come sempre attenta alle novità in campo di sicurezza, ha pubblicato nel numero di ottobre un articolo su Sentinet³.
In questo articolo si riporta un sunto dell’intervento del Dott. Capobianco presso l’evento AFCEA sulla sicurezza tenutosi al Centro Alti Studi della Difesa (CASD).
L’articolo integrale è visionabile cliccando al seguente link.
Buona lettura a tutti!
Are you fed-up of your monitoring mega suite? You are not alone!
Which grades do you assign to your monitoring mega suite?
HP, IBM , CA and BMC are the “big four” in Network e System networking market.
In a recent study done by Gartner’s on Big Four on customers approval an interesting question emerged, indeed the grades they deserved to their Monitoring Expensive Mega Suite was a “Low C” (best grade A, worst grade F).
What are the most common compliants? Usability and Costs.